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DRAMA: Hope for the Fallen

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I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: (Deut 15:19)

Amona: Where are you going to? This way is not right.

Tolani: (Panting)... What do you want from me? What is your business with the route I have chosen to take in my life?

Amona: Let me help you... The end of this journey is not pleasant.

Tolani: I said leave me alone. Is it by force?

Amona: You need me on this journey...

Tolani: I don't need you. I can go about it my own way.

Act One, Scene One

As the NCCF President, Tobi calls the Exco for a very important meeting and charges them on the need to be watchful and vigilant.

Image result for nccf logoTobi: Good evening wonderful soldiers of Christ. I called this crucial meeting because of a revelation i had. Please someone should read 1 Peter 5:8

Titi: be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

Tobi: That's the word I received last night. For us not to think that we have apprehended. The battle before us is not such that we should handle with levity.

David: Please make this message clear to us, it's like you are speaking in parables.

Tobi: There is a war coming... In this war, you need to have your weapon in great shape. Remember 2 Corinthians 10:4, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal...

Tolani: ... They are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

Tobi: You are welcome sir. Why did you come late?

Tolani: What kind of Jamb question is that?(sarcastically) I went to do the work of my father when it is day, because when night comes, no man shall work.

Titi: Bro. Tolani... You shouldn't have talked like that.

Tolani: With all duly undue respect, please keep quiet men are talking...

David: Please let's be vigilant because the task God has placed in our hands; as well as this land is greater than us. Remember, it is only the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man that availeth much.

Tolani: Let's give our pastor a round of applause... I'm out of here.

Act One, Scene Two

Two King's guards walk past Tolani, they hit Tolani  with their guns, they were the ones saying sorry.

King's guard 1: Please we are sorry, we didn't see you.

Tolani: Next time, watch where you are going when it's not that you are blind.

King's guard 2: Please sorry, next time we will open our eyes.

Tolani: (Aside) Oh boy, see boldness... He who dwells in the secret place of the almighty shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.

King's guard 1: See that fool... A chicken that is fed fat doesn't know his time of slaughter is near.

King's guard 2: He's a caged dog that thinks he is the boss.

Scene break:

King's guard 1: Come here, so you are the one that has been leading people to Christ in this town. (Points gun at him)

Tobi: If you know what's good for you, you will remove that from my face.

King's guard 2: What can you do? What do you have?

Tobi: You are asking the wrong question... You should be asking what will the Lion of the tribe of Judah be doing that you come at me.

King's guard 1: Guy, wetin now, shoot this fool?

Tobi: Shoot me and see what will happen?

King's guard 2: (points to shoot) The gun is jammed.

King's guard 1: Lemme... My leg...

King's guard 2: Ah ah ah... Who is the fool now?

King's guard 1: Please am begging you, come with us. The King will kill us and our family if you don't

Tobi: why didn't you say that since...? Let's go.

Act One, Scene Three

The next day, they didn't see Tobi and they begun to panic...

Titi: Deborah, Bro. Tobi has been kidnapped.

Deborah: What!!! What are you talking about?

Titi: We haven't seen him since last night.

Tolani: What is going on here? Why are you all moody like T.L Moody?

Titi: It's Bro. Tobi. He has been kidnapped.

Tolani: I told you people to be sensitive in the spirit, now they devil has had him.

David: Why are you talking like this?

Tolani: Will you keep quiet? After all I'm the next in command.

Titi: I believe we need to start interceding and pray for the secure of his release.

Tolani: Do whatever you have to do. As far as I'm concerned, there are prayers that need answering in my life; good job after service, money in my account, a submissive and obedient wife. (They burst into laughter) What's so funny?

Titi: Are you submissive to God? Remember, there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 14:12)

Tolani: Are you saying I will die? No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rise against me in judgment thou shall condemn (Isaiah 54:17)

David: Bro. Tolani, just has Jesus prayed for Simon, we will pray for you.

Tolani: keep your irrelevant prayers to yourself.

Act Two, Scene One

Tobi is being treated like a king by those who captured him and they begin to do everything to make sure he is comfortable. He comes in to pack his plates.

King's guard 1: My Oga, are you comfortable?. Is there anything else we can do for you?
Tobi: Yes there is... Can you get a fan to start fanning me till I sleep?

King's guard 1: Right way sir...

Tobi: Lord I thank you for being my Shepherd, I extol you for preparing a table before me in the presence of my enemy and anointing my head with oil. Father I pray that you will fulfill and perfect the reason for bringing me into this palace in Jesus Name, Amen.

(King's guard returns) Please, when can I meet the King?

King's guard 1: When the time is right... He will send for you.

Act Two, Scene Two

The Corps members started praying and interceding for the perfection of the purpose of God in the life of their President, Tobi. Just as God elevated Joseph in a strange land. God should keep and protect him

Image result for nccf corps members

Titi: Last night, the spirit of God made me understand Bro. Tobi is in safe hands and that he being taken is part of his master plan.

Deborah: Master plan?

David: Remember he talked about a war and the need for our spiritual weapon to be well sharpened the night before he was taken.

Titi: That's true... (Singing) You are Yahweh... You are Yahweh alpha and omega. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof... You are the God of heaven and earth, you change not. You are the Almighty God. Lord, as you favoured Joseph in a strange Land, let your favour envelope brother Tobi where he is in Jesus Name, Amen.

David:  in Jesus Name we have prayed (Amen). Lord Jesus, just like you silenced the mouth of the Lion for the sake of Daniel. Every contradictory voice against your son, silence in the Name of Jesus.

Titi: I have a leading in my heart that we should pray for bro. Tolani; just like God delivered Peter from prison when the church prayed for him...I'm seeing him in the bondage of the devourer and if we don't pray for him, I see the devil having him and his destiny and purpose being derailed.

Act Two, Scene Three

Tobi is in the room and begins to pray for the King, the land and he was led to pray for Tolani...

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. ( Isaiah 43:19)

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Tobi: Lord Jesus, I commit this land into your hands, I pray you will heal this land. You will cause righteousness to exalt this land. You will silence every raging sea and calm every storm.
Lord I pray that you will take your place as the Prince of Peace in this land in Jesus Name, Amen.
I commit the King, his guards and this palace into your hands because the heart of a king is in your hands. Lord I pray that you will touch his heart in the Name of Jesus.

Act Three, Scene One

... I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. (Romans 9:15)

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Tolani: What do you want from me again...? Is it by force?

Amona: You have failed not only yourself but heaven

Tolani: Am I on trial here?

Amona: The very reason you have been willed into existence, you have failed. I showed you the right path, you refused to follow and heed my warnings. You allowed yourself to be enveloped with pride and the cares of the world...

Tolani: What are you talking about?

Amona: You've forgotten that you cannot get to your destination without a compass. I am the way, the truth and the life. You refused to allow me navigate the journey of your life. A light does not shine for himself (John 1:5); a light that refuses to shine in darkness is bound to swallowed up by the darkness.

Tolani: Please help me. I'll listen to you now. Forgive me. (He begins to groan for mercy)

Amona: I have decided to let my mercy prevail over judgment... There are soldiers who care about the wounded like you and have decided not to leave you for dead on the battle field. I have chosen to listen and hear their cry because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Tolani: (Rolling on the floor) Thank you so much (curtains drawn and reopened with him in the midst of the two guards)

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( He wakes up to see he has been kidnapped) What am I doing here?

Guard 1: Be asking Jamb question there.

Guard 2: Remember us?

Tolani: How do you expect me to remember you?

Guard 1: You know us... We were the blind people that hit you the other day.

Tolani: Sorry, please forgive my ignorance... You are not blind.

Guard 2: We were blind... Now we can see that we should have carried you all along for the annual sacrifice to cleanse this land.

Tolani: Blood of Jesus...

Guard 1: You? So you can call on that powerful name.

Tolani: Please don't kill me?

Act Three, Scene Two

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Tobi: Lord Jesus, I commit Tolani unto your able hands. Please don't let the plans of the enemies succeed over him in the Name of Jesus...

Guard 1: The King sends for you...

King: I hope you are being taken care of. I'm sorry for keeping you this long. It's because your presence is very special. There is a peace that entered this palace ever since you entered that's why i made sure you were comfortable.

Tobi: No need to apologize Kabiyesi. You didn't keep me here. God kept me here for a time like this.

King: You can go now as we don't need you for the sacrifice again...

Guard 2: (taking Tolani through the palace) the chief priest is ready for you Kabiyesi...

Tolani: Bro. Tobi... Please help me.

Tobi: What are you doing here? How did you get here?

Kabiyesi: You two know each other?

Tobi: Yes Kabiyesi. He is my friend.

Kabiyesi: E yin ode, oponu... In this big town, you did not see any bastard to carry but the friend of our special guest.

Guard 1: We are sorry Kabiyesi. We didn't know.

Kabiyesi: Please forgive their ignorance... What do we do now? This sacrifice has to take place by noon or else I die. I'd rather die than offend the Power behind our special guest.

Tobi: Kabiyesi, you will not die but live in the Name of Jesus.

Kabiyesi: How will that be possible?

Tobi: Kabiyesi, remember I said I was sent here. I have been sent here by a prince from a royal family.

Kabiyesi: Which Prince is that? How can I meet him?

Tobi: His Name is Jesus. He is from the royal family of heaven. He is our present help in time of need and he never gives up on anyone who calls on His Name.

Kabiyesi: How can I call on His Name? It's almost 12 O'Clock. The clock is ticking fast.

Tobi: Don't be afraid. Just confess him into your life as Lord and Savior, tell him to have mercy on you and he will feel you with his peace.

Kabiyesi: I don't know how to?

Tobi: Please Kabiyesi & (aside) everyone who wants to be free from the bondage and oppression of sin; tired of being enslaved by the powers of darkness. Please repeat after me.

"Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I know I have strayed and fallen short of your glory. Please forgive my iniquities. Cleanse me and wash me with your precious blood which you shed on the cross for my sake. Write my name in the book of life and help me to live in your freedom all the days of my life in Jesus Name, Amen."
Kabiyesi: It's 12:30 O'Clock. I'm alive...I'm alive... I'm not dead.  Let it be known across...As for me, this land and neighbouring villages, we will not serve a strange god again... The living God who did not allow me to die is the one we will serve.

Act Three, Scene Three

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Tobi: I will like to appreciate you all for your prayers and Intercession while I was away and that we didn't allow our faith to go cold. I pray that in the journey of life, None of us will become a casualty in the Name of Jesus.

Titi: Let's continue to support one another in prayers and we will finish the race strongly just as we have ended our Youth Service in Jesus Name, Amen.

Tolani: Please permit me to say this. I know I was a real pain on this journey but my prayer is as you raised a prayer altar for me and God did not allow the plans of the enemy for my sun to set at midday come to pass, so also, may our sun not set at midday in Jesus Name, Amen.
There is this song the Holy Spirit has laid in my heart and it summarizes our journey as a child of God and I'll like us to sing it together.
Your blood is the reason why I'm living
Your blood is the reason why I'm standing
Your blood is the reason why I'm delivered
Your blood is everything to me.
If not for your blood,
I wonder where I'll be
Your blood is everything to me.

What type of Christian are you? Are you the kind that stands tall in the face of adversity or hide in the cave when challenges arise. We need to wake up and arise to our responsibilities as Soldiers of Christ. It is better to be a soldier who will not leave the wounded on the battle front; who will tend your wounds and nurse you back to strength until you are fully recovered rather than leave you to soldier on and abandon you till you die of your wounds.
A Christian that lacks passion for the unsaved and dying soul is nothing but an unprofitable servant and a wasted investment that does not value the sacrifice made on the cross and the blood that was shed on the cross for him and others. May we not fail God in our responsibilities in Jesus Name, Amen.

Definition of Terms& Credits:

* Wetin - A Nigerian slang which means what do you want?
*Oga*- A Yoruba word with its root from the western part of Nigeria meaning Boss in English
*E yin ode, oponu* From the same Yoruba root meaning '' See this insane fools''

* Photo Credit: All Images Culled from the Internet.


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