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INTERVIEW: Sit Down With Obinna Wisdom

My inspiration comes from things around me. Be it a man walking down the street or an event in time or a person’s pain and so on. 
- Obinna Wisdom

 Obinna wisdom is a highly versatile and creative writer, he is a poet, composer and drama minister. for reasons known to him, he calls himself an angry writer.He is a Nigerian with a blend of cultures. A graduate of communication and performing arts from Bowen University. Our interview with him is full of depth, wisdom and inspiring thoughts. His love for God is reflected in our chat with him, Enjoy.

Who is Obinna? 
 Obinna is a quiet young man from a humble background. Who loves to write and tell stories the best way he can.   
 How long have you been writing? 
Well, this writing thing started as a joke, to be honest. I remember scribbling my thoughts in any notebook I find, most times I forget until I find it especially when I arrange my things.
What motivated you to be a writer?

Well, to me, It’s the need to tell a story or basically say something, the drive to make people understand what people around them go through.

 Do you think you were a born writer?

    Who is a born writer? I mean, I might be wrong but writers are developed into what they are right now, you have to go through a process.

Are your writings from personal experiences?
I try my best to personalize my work to make my audience see things from my perspective and it helps my audience relate easily to it.

Tell us about your works? 

My works are a coined from an unknown genre of poetry. I also delve into spoken word sometimes.
From what angle do you like to channel your passion to write?

I call myself an angry writer for no reason. I’m not saying I have anger issues (laughs). What I am saying is I try to this “anger” as a tool to pass on my message. And most times a person’s anger can be misunderstood most times. I use it to make people understand the angle where this individual is coming from.     
How do you gain inspiration to write?
My inspiration comes from things around me. Be it a man walking down the street or an event in time or a person’s pain and so on

Did you have to train yourself to write simple yet profound stories or does it come naturally?
 I would not specifically say I had to go through a particular training per say.

 Are we right to also call you a poet?
 It depends on how you define a poet. But, to me though, I won’t specifically say I’m a poet per say

What is your greatest motivation for success?
The drive to be better than the way I was and I am presently.

How do you define yourself?

I would define myself as a work in progress. Because I have not reached the height I intend to attain.

What projects are you currently working on?
Currently, I am working on a few poems. One which I am sure will be out soon, I wrote with a fellow poet Tomiwo a poem titled "Wondrous Love".

 What challenges have you faced in your career?      
Challenges are what make us who we are. It is how well we deal with those challenges that determine the outcome. So far, it has been the grace of God.

How have you overcome them? 

One word, Grace. It has been God’s grace.

How many languages can you speak?

I can speak at least two Nigerian languages. Yoruba and Igbo as well as English (of cause its the official language) and Pidgin English.

Do you have any word of advice for your readers?

Be yourself Push for what you want. Don’t sell yourself short. And don’t be carried away with whatever challenges you face. I know most times even your family would not be there to give you that boost you are looking for. But always remember that God has got your back! No matter what. Remain blessed.


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