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Showing posts from December, 2019

Word vs World

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.    And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. ( John 1:4-5) ACT ONE SCENE ONE TUNDE IS IN HIS ROOM AND FEMI HIS ELDER BROTHER WALKS INTO THE ROOM... FEMI: The time you spend watching football is too much! TUNDE: I don't have control over great matches... I'm a Sports blogger so I have to watch all matches FEMI: It shouldn't be in conflict with your relationship with God... for four weeks now you have been missing church! TUNDE: Last week Man city vs Liverpool, Today Chelsea vs Man city. It's not my fault that I have to prepare. FEMI: The bible says he who loves the world, the love of the father is not in him... you are giving the world more attention than the word.  You can't continue like this... Your relationship with God is the ammunition you need to resist the devil. TUNDE: I've heard you! ACT ONE SCENE TWO THE NEXT ...

Drama: Life is in Stages

For surely there is an end and the expectations of the righteous shall not be cut off (Prov. 23:18) Message: - The need to wait upon the lord - A call to salvation in light of eternity - Trusting in the time and season of everything - Message centered on various life situations - The place of understanding trials before triumph - The need for every believer not to dread going through the fire Story Design: - The life of Joseph from slavery to the palace - The transformation of Saul to Paul (The redeemed life) - The blessedness of waiting ( Hannah) - The valley of the dry bones ( Ezekiel) - Letting the light of God shine through in trials ( Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) Cast: Itunu Mrs. Itunu Gbenga Prophet Afosejesu Dr. Badmus Omolola Holy Spirit Tola Secretary Prologue: ITUNU: Sweetheart, he has done it... he has done it... God is faithful...  (He speaks in tongue in between) no wonder the bible says, he is...

Construction or Destruction... A Wake up Call

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Prov. 18:21)   The words that you speak is like a telescope that travels into space and see those things that are not visible to the naked eyes- in this case, your future. There is a weapon, a great and mighty one; it is deadlier than the havoc a gun can cause and much more reverberating than the sound of bombs and rockets. It is creative, versatile it has the power to will your purpose into reality or out of carelessness and ignorance will nightmare and disappointments  in place of the great promises of God over one's life. One thing you should hold close to your chest next to your unrepentant love for God is the reality that your tongue can create and at the same time can destroy. It can shape your destiny and crush your dreams.  Let me tell you this truth, watch what you say either in ignorance or in the exchange of words with friends. Many unspeakable nick...